September 2023 - Congrats to Noman on receiving MIT's Climate & Computing Impact Fellowship!
August 2023 - Papers accepted at SIGMETRICs, Performance, SoCC, SEC, IGSCC, and HotCarbon!
May 2023 - New paper accepted at e-Energy!
April 2023 - ICPE paper awarded best paper runner-up!
February 2023 - New paper accepted to IoTDI!
December 2022 - New papers accepted at ASPLOS and BuildSys!
October 2022 - Multiple new NSF projects starting in CCRI and CSR programs!
July 2022 - Papers presented at ACM COMPASS, ACM e-Energy, and HotCarbon!
December 2021 - Our work on SunDown was featured in PVMagazine!
November 2021 - BuildSys '21 paper runner-up for Best Paper Award!
August 2021 - Two papers accepted to ACM SoCC 2021!
June 2021 - Another article on NSF/VMware grant and VMware press release!
May 2021 - New NSF/VMware grant and article on CarbonFirst!
April 2021 - New paper at EuroSys on optimizing resource overcommitment in Google datacenters!
March 2021 - New paper on optimizing eBike sharing at IMWUT/Ubicomp!
December, 2020 - Akansha and Noman won second place and honorable mention, respectively, in the Duke Energy Symposium Lightning Talk Competition!
December 2020 - News article on recent Supercomputing paper!
November, 2020 - Akansha's presentation at BuildSys honorable mention for best presentation award!
October, 2020 - IGSC paper receives best paper award!
September, 2020 - 3 papers accepted to BuildSys 2020!
September, 2020 - SC paper selected as Best Paper Award Finalist and Best Student Paper Award Finalist!
August, 2020 - Posted camera-ready of SC paper!
August, 2020 - Two papers accepted to IGSC!
June, 2020 - e-Energy paper selected as Best Paper Award runner-up!
May, 2020 - New papers accepted to SC, e-Energy, HotCloud, TDS, and COMPASS!
April, 2020 - Congratulations to Supreeth on joining Iowa's CS department as a tenure-track Assistant Professor!
April, 2020 - New papers at CPS Week in IoTDI and IC2E!
January, 2020 - David Irwin is serving as the TPC Co-Chair for HPDC 2020. Please submit!
December, 2019 - NSF report on research challenges in Cloud Economics, co-edited by David Irwin, published!
November, 2019 - Solar-TK solar performance modeling and forecasting toolkit released!
November, 2019 - Recent papers accepted to BuildSys, SmartGridComm, and MASS!
September, 2019 - New NSF award on optimizing distributed machine learning in the cloud!
June, 2019 - David Irwin gives keynote on solar energy modeling at Energy Data Analytics workshop (at FCRC)!
May, 2019 - Papers accepted at BigData, IC2E, SIGMETRICS, ICCCN, and TCPS!
April, 2019 - Google Research Award on optimizing data center energy awarded!
August, 2018 - Papers on programmable solar and solar performance modeling accepted to BuildSys 2018!
August, 2018 - Paper on cloud index tracking accepted to SoCC 2018!
May, 2018 - David Irwin co-organized and co-chair'd the NSF Workshop on Cloud Economics at Stanford! Stay tuned for the final report!
May, 2018 - David Irwin receives the Barbara H. and Joseph I. Goldstein Outstanding Junior Faculty award!
May, 2018 - Paper on analyzing big energy data to identify faults in energy-inefficient buildings accepted to KDD 2018!
May, 2018 - Paper on mechanisms and policies for solar control accepted to ACM TOSN!
May, 2018 - Papers accepted to ACM e-Energy and IEEE ICDCS on energy data analytics and privacy!
May, 2018 - David Irwin is co-chairing the ACM e-Energy Conference! Please submit by 1/22/18!
December, 2017 - David Irwin is serving as the TPC Co-Chair for NILM 2018! Please submit by 1/7/18!
November, 2017 - BuildSys paper nominated for best paper award!
October, 2017 - Paper on exposing weather-based privacy threats in big energy data accepted to BigData 2017!
September, 2017 - David Irwin is serving as the TPC Co-Chair for ACM e-Energy 2018! Please submit!
August, 2017 - New papers over the summer at SoCC, BuildSys, Greenmetrics, ICCCN, and IEEE IoT
July, 2017 - New NSF grant on Software-defined Solar awarded!
April, 2017 - Eleven new papers this year at SIGMETRICS, e-Energy, ICCPS, TPDS, TCPS, and Internet Computing
August, 2016 - Seven papers accepted over the summer at SC, e-Energy, SmartGridComm, IGSC, BuildSys!
April, 2016 - Two papers on spot markets accepted to HotCloud!
March, 2016 - ICDCS paper on SpotLight accepted!
March, 2016 - News article on MassNZ data center!
February, 2016 - Ribbon cutting for the Massachusetts Net Zero data center we built!
February, 2016 - Google Research Award announced on enhancing the value of preemptible instances!
January, 2016 - Flint paper accepted to EuroSys!
January, 2016 - David Irwin is serving as TPC Co-Chair of BuildSys 2016. Please submit!
November, 2015 - Two papers accepted to ICPE!
September, 2015 - NSF grant on creating utility-driven smart energy services announced!
August, 2015 - iProgram paper accepted to BuildSys!
August, 2015 - IGSC paper on optimizing HPC applications for green energy accepted!
July, 2015 - Posted camera-ready version of SoCC paper!
September, 2015 - SoCC paper on optimizing spot markets for batch jobs accepted!
May, 2015 - Posted camera-ready version of e-Energy paper!
May, 2015 - NSF grant on smart meter privacy funded!
April, 2015 - Posted camera-ready version of HPDC paper!
April, 2015 - e-Energy paper on distributed energy storage placement accepted!
March, 2015 - HPDC paper accepted on using spot markets for online Internet services!
December, 2014 - Journal version of CHPr paper accepted to Transactions on Smart Grid!
November, 2014 - PowerPlay paper selected as one of top three best papers at BuildSys!
November, 2014 - Micorgrid paper selected as one of top three best papers at BuildSys!
August, 2014 - Three papers accepted to BuildSys!
August, 2014 - CloudLab grant funded and Slashdotted!
August, 2014 - Posted recent papers on publications page.
August, 2014 - NSF grant to study Transient Servers funded!
July, 2014 - NSF grant to build programmable building testbed funded!
July, 2014 - Paper on Non-Intrusive Load Identification accepted to SmartGridComm!
July, 2014 - Cloudy Computing journal paper accepted to SUSCOM!
April, 2014 - Paper smart meter data analysis accepted to NILM!
April, 2014 - BlinkFS journal paper accepted to SUSCOM!
March, 2014 - Paper on smart meter data analysis accepted to JSAC!
February, 2014 - Paper on transient servers accepted to IEEE Internet Computing!
January, 2014 - Posted final version of PerCom paper
December, 2013 - Paper on Smart Meter Privacy accepted to PerCom 2014!
October, 2013 - David Irwin is on the cover of the CoE annual report (article inside)!
October, 2013 - Consider submitting to Workshop on Cloud Analytics, due 11/24
September, 2013 - Two papers accepted to BuildSys 2013!
May, 2013 - Our e-Energy 2013 paper was runner-up for the best paper award!
April, 2013 - Two papers accepted to IEEE IGCC 2013!
March, 2013 - Paper accepted to ACM e-Energy 2013!
February, 2013 - The lab's research is featured on UMass InPictures website!
February, 2013 - More press coverage on In the Loop!
February, 2013 - Posted final version of Yank paper published in NSDI 2013!
February, 2013 - Article on the lab's research in UMass's Daily Collegian Newspaper!
February, 2013 - Article on CAREER grant posted to UMass Engineering website!
January, 2013 - Paper on energy sharing in microgrids accepted to ICCPS!
January, 2013 - NSF CAREER grant on model-based energy management is awarded!
December, 2012 - Yank paper accepted to NSDI 2013!
November, 2012 - GreenCache paper accepted to MMSys 2013!
September, 2012 - CloudCast paper accepted to IPCCC 2012!
September, 2012 - Released initial energy data set from Smart* Project!
September, 2012 - David Irwin joins the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UMass Amherst
July, 2012 - Journal version of MultiSense paper accepted to MMSJ!
July, 2012 - Paper on linking weather radars to clouds accepted to LCN 2012!
June, 2012 - Blink selected as Pick of the Month in June's issue of the IEEE Sustainable Computing Register!
June, 2012 - Paper describing the open release of our energy data accepted to SustKDD 2012!
May, 2012 - David Irwin presents work on using Intermittent Energy in the Internet at e-Energy 2012 in Madrid!
April, 2012 - David Irwin accepts faculty position in ECE department at UMass Amherst, starting next fall!